
SHARKEYINC works to satisfy the increasing accounting needs of entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Since 1996, SharkeyInc Accounting Services has delivered high-quality accounting services to businesses throughout Memphis and its surrounding municipalities. Particularly, we’ve paid special attention to valued companies and organizations that certain other accounting firms might overlook. At SharkeyInc, we believe you deserve the same quality accounting services your larger competitors receive. So, we welcome entrepreneurs, smaller and mid-cap businesses and other budget-conscious entities who need to know their books are in order and their finances are accounted for. 

SharkeyInc got its start almost three decades ago preparing tax returns for our clients. We are an Authorized E-file Provider with the IRS, a Member of the National Society of Tax Preparers and a Registered Tax Return Preparer (RTRP). When it comes to handling your taxes, our service takes a backseat to no one. And even today as we’ve expanded to add resources and capabilities, keeping you in good standing with the IRS is one of our highest priorities. 

At SharkeyInc, we’re proud of the work we’ve done for our client family. And we’d be just as proud to serve you. 


Confident Business Team

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